Friday, February 26, 2010

Purim fun for whom?

The Fun Holiday but for whom??

Purim, celebrated on the 14th of Adar, which is this weekend! It is at times the wildest, most action-packed day of the Jewish year.
But because I empty nester it is not fun any more FOR ME!

Modern times: to celebrate I am my family would eat special foods, dress in costumes and attend community events like carnivals!
WHY: because 2400 years ago, Haman, the Persian prime-minister, persuaded King Ahasuerus to issue a decree ordering the extermination of all the Jews. Mordechai, the leader of the Jews, rallied his people, urging them to unite in prayer and repentance. Meanwhile, his cousin Esther, who due to a miraculous chain of events was Ahasuerus' queen, lobbied the king to spare her people. Ahasuerus acceded to her request, Haman was sent to the gallows, Mordechai became new prime-minister.
again, the Jews successfully defended themselves against their enemies, and... we celebrate!

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