Monday, September 19, 2011

September Equinox

Can you believe we're already at the September Equinox?
In practical terms, this means I only have a bit over 90 days
to finally start writing the date as "2011" without pausing to think.
Perhaps it would be best to start working on "2012" immediately ...

Hope your week is free of discombobulation!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hornet Nests Annilated by me! EEEEEKKK

I have been out trying rid hornets that have attached their nests to my second floor soffit in a few place. The surprise was when I opened a little used book from my living room to the backyard and found a nest between the inner door and the storm door!

As you see i took action and will retreat the nests a few nights before removing with hope of finally ridding those and prevent other nests being made!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

wow: i am in the Milwaukee Jewish Chronicle!

September 6th, 2011
7 Elul 5771

Chai Lights: Teachers learn

A group of about 50 teachers visited the Jewish Museum Milwaukee on Aug. 11 to see the exhibit on Mildred Fish Harnack, the Wisconsin woman executed in Germany for anti-Nazi resistance. Laeh Bensman McHenry (right) was one of the presenters. Photo by Barbara Budish.