Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal"

Monday January 26, 2009
Thus go words that Pablo Picasso may have uttered, although (1) I cannot find definitive attribution anywhere and (2) a great many other writers, poets, songwriters and visual artists have supposedly said almost the exact same thing. (You can read the last word [pun intended] on that which T.S. Eliot said here, and kudos to Nancy Prager for her detective work.) Anyway.

Within the past week I've read about both the source of Shepard Fairey's Obama-HOPE head shot (hint: the artist didn't shoot it himself, nor did he pay to use it) and a lawsuit filed against Richard Prince for lifting a photographer's series of portraits, putting daubs of paint on them and selling the results as his own original work. Now, I am not a copyrights lawyer, merely a visual artist who's always liked to stay on the happy side of the law. However, my layperson's eye, in looking at the original sources for HOPE and the Canal Zone

Friday, January 16, 2009

winter in wisconsin

It's winter in Wisconsin

And the gentle breezes blow

Seventy miles an hour

At twenty-five below.

Oh, how I love Wisconsin

When the snow's up to your butt

You take a breath of winter

And your nose gets frozen shut.

Yes, the weather here is wonderful

So I guess I'll hang around

I could never leave Wisconsin

'Cause I'm frozen to the ground!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BBBS workshop

Started in my workshop for matchers,:
Here is another in that was just finished by a 8th grader and her BIG SISTER for the BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS fund raiser! they get better and better!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

O'sah Shalom

This is a message of hope

Sunday, January 4, 2009

my opinon:ISRAEL

I feel compelled to express my opinion: Israel
I feel compelled to express my opinion: Israel
The recent developments in Israel can not be ignored and thus I am going to use the wiser words of others to state my opinion and feelings, because I deplore that Israel continues MUST CONTINUE assaults on Hamas in Gaza, attacks that were prompted by Hamas missile strikes on Israel.(read the Jerusaleum Post yourself! )

"Wars sickens me, even wars that I support. I support Israel's offensive in Gaza, but watching it on TV -- the images of bombed-out buildings, crying women and, inevitably, the bodies of innocent bystanders -- is a painful experience." Rabbi Eric Yoffie

"Israel's actions in Gaza are justified under international law, and Israel should be commended for its self-defense against terrorism. Article 51 of the United Nations Charter reserves to every nation the right to engage in self-defense against armed attacks." Alan Dershowitz

Adding to the liveability of our home:

FOLLOWING MY HEART and improved out home:

I AM thrilled that i decided to enclose our back porch. due to huge over hangs, it's north and east exposures, the area remained always cool and buggy when we wanted to use it. here you see the last of installation. now what is need is to clean up some and get rug, mezzuzah's, and put back wicker furniture. shayna is already learn to use the doggy door!

Happiest event of 2008

I have not used blogspot in ages and still blog at
..but wanted to show you the happiest of times during 2008! the wedding of #2 son to a wonderful gal.