Tuesday, June 29, 2010

arm full of creation from jewerly class 2010 USM

here are arms full of bracelets that a few of the 4th and 5th graders( age 10-11) made in summer school art class that i teach.we still have many days ato make necklaces and etc.!!!
fun fun

SUMMERFEST 2010: a must

THE WEATHER WENT FROM VERY WARM TO DARN RIGHT COLD EXCEPT FOR THE MUSIC AND THE FANS! I was well prepared so i enjoyed all we saw and did Monday evening at Summerfest 2010

Roger Daltrey...incredible show
Eric Clapton...incredible music.

Caught a little Cebar playing with zydeco band....and of course the food was really yummy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer : replotted plant blooms

I replotted a gift plant and am thrilled it has bloomed in abundance!

this very rainy summer has be a G-d sent to our yard and all its plant. they are healthy. now, only draw back fro the wetness is the on sloth of mosquito's.

i am expecting an early and abundant zucchini, tomato,pepper, pattie squash crop.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday: Weather nice/ Brewers not

Saturday's are always busy getting organized after busy week, and busy week to come. We went to a sad game at Miller Park and witnessed a Brewer's lost to Seattle after a run of five wins.
We had to miss a family event as we get tickets pre-season.

After the game, went to the fair grounds to GREEK FEST! Not much to see but a little Greek dancing and lots of food! That is, not much going on if you don't want to go on the carnival rides...which I don't. I was hoping to see ethnic clothing and lots of artifacts, but no clothing and few jewelry items of any uniqueness.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stops at the Mustard Museum in Middleton & Wollersheim Winnery

The Mustard Museum was small but nice, and one could taste 100's of varieties. I purchased a Port Wine Cherry and a Raspberry Mustard to use on sandwiches.

The Wollersheim Winery was hosting, for the third year, a a Picnic Days event. We relaxed for a short time outside along with the grounds full folks who were eating, drinking and enjoying music by Street Life. To our surprise, the gal singer we know personally! We then went into the shop to sample some of the product and chose two distinctly different varieties of Rieslings, one said to be gentle, nearly-dry white with intense dried fruit flavors of mango and pineapple. It received high honor of "Chairman's Award" at wine competition in Riverside, CA. The other described as a Semi-sweet fragrant white with a well-balanced palate of aromas reminiscent of honeyed pears, figs and apricots. Named “Best Riesling $10 & Under”. Another purchase was a Sangiovese. We shall open the Sangiovese, which is touted as a Medium-bodied dry red with deep, rich, luscious flavors of black cherry. Aged in stainless steel to retain its youth and fruit. Enjoyable with grilled food. So that is our choice for today's consumption as we are planning a cookout for Father's Day supper.

Hope you have a good day also!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mini vacation: mid-state

Here are a few photo’s our three day get way to Spring Green and areas near by.
We saw two plays at the American Theatre in Spring Green: ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL by Shakespeare and ANOTHER PART OF THE FOREST by Lillian Hellman (this is about the same folks in LITTLE FOXES...but early times in the lives of the characters). Both plays had fabulous acting, set and costumes. Second night started in rain but then it cleared and a rainbow appeared over the stage.
The hotel, HOUSE ON THE ROCK RESORT, had all suite rooms and nice personnel; the two huge pools was marvelously warm and the exercise room well equipped , and area like course beautifully kept.

Our hotel package included golfing so I putted the greens and had a fun time driving the golf cart while Tom golfed 9 one day and 18 holes the next. We ate well at the hotel and picnicked at the plays-picnic ground for such as us. They had full houses, and we had great seats. We also went around the surrounding area like Dodgeville and the Lands End store where I got a shirt and cotton summer dress, on sale of course.
( wow..you should see the corporate Lands End office park...huge and beautiful; and we were told it employs 5000 in high season! Stopped for lunch at Taliesin restaurant as do when in the area. Arena (small township) had a flea market where Tom got a golf cover. We stopped in Sauk Prairie at the Wollersheim Winery and did wine tasting of which helped us select some to purchase. Next, on to Middleton, the Mustard Museum's new location, to sample and bring back a few bottles of some unusual tasting mustard infused with fruit. There was a small but nice street art festival we perused. Shopped at the Shoebox in Black Earth where Tom got shoes. Our final stop was to sit and enjoy the river view and lovely weather while eating supper at Molly Cool before we got home.

The "gals" were well taken car of by our beloved neighbors, and greeted us with enthusiasm...

Personalitzed "Sid Stripping" our car!

For Father's Day we had our new car personalized with 'SID STRIPS", which mean we had two stripes added to our Hyundai Santa Fe! Now I will be able to find our car in a parking lot!
We selected a black and a white strip...sophisticated as we are! :-)
Sid personalizes each car by signing it with owner's names!
Here is the information for you to have your car done!
Sid did it 262...796...0049

By appt. only
155 N Janacek Rd.
Brookfield 53045

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today I took a road trip with my friend Joyce. It was great getting to visit while driving to Skokie for annual Jewish Festival. I have not attended but once, so i was looking forward to the music, food and seeing the booths with arts and crafts and community organizations. David Broza was great, as were many other entertainers, community - folk dancing, but the art and crafts were much of what I have seen. I made only purchases of food: egg rolls and chicken fried rice. What else!!!
It rained on and off but did not stop us from having a nice time.
I did not get a very good shot of Joyce dancing ..but did get one of me with David Broza way in the background on stage at the end of a set!

Celebrations : Wedding shower/Uncle Mort is 80 / David gong to CA. !!

It is wonderful to celebrate but some things make me happier than others. It is fabulous to help my Uncle Mort celebrate with the family his 80th. birthday party. First thing late morning I stopped in at lovely shower for my friend/relative thru marriage daughter. it was fun to get to say hi to all the attendees, many friends. After dropping in i hurried off to a lovely luncheon out, by then afternoon, for Uncle Mort with all the Swerdlow' spouses, children and more. We all went back to Mort and Etsie's home for cake and fun conversation and some played ball. did go home for a quickly nape and time with the "girls"(our dogs). By 8:30 we joined David and Lisa and with friends and family at County Clare for a fair well party as they will soon be headed to California. David (#1 son) and Lisa Goggin's are moving to San Francisco in June! Lisa has accepted a Medical Physics Residency at UCSF and I will be working for Key Bank based out there too. We will so miss David been far away but thank g-d for communication devises to stay connected and hear about all the new things he will experience.

Monday, June 7, 2010


INSIDE:we had the cabinets refinished. I really like how the new hardware looks! the pot of peony's are from the own garden- plantings!

OUTSIDE:i had to add a scare crow and aluminum strips to the wire supportin the pot that we are growing a cucumber plant because the deer(s) ate some of the leaves/shoots.look closely and you can see where they ate off tender parts! So far the other deterrents of windmills, rag streamers and two owl statues, and of course barking Bella and Shayna work for my other six barrels of plants. i hope my efforts work at keep animals away from our veggies.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Adam's 28th b-day and Morther's Day

Did you see this?????

Adventure in Chicago

The day started with rain and traffic as Bobbi and I traveled to have an adventure. The rain subsided by the time we reached our destination, Chicago's Indian ethnic area. We did lot's of look and even trying on some lovely two piece outfits/ tunic and pants. Alas nothing caught our eye, but great fun. After leaving the area of many shops, we tried to find my favorite area deli on Dempster. Sadly, we found it but it was no longer in operation. Off to OLD ORCHARD we drove, and THE BAGEL for a late lunch. Bobbi never had matzah ball soup so that was "adventurous" of her!
Our ride home was "healthy" as I put the top of my VW beetle down when we hit the highway back home and got lots of vitamin D and enjoyed temperature of over 80! We did have an great day, just what we wanted.