Monday, May 31, 2010



Saturday, May 29, 2010

scammed on fb

i have been scammed on facebook and reported it now am blocked! that is not fair. i changed my password and all and they blocked me!! a misunderstanding.

i shall miss all my fb now here is all i have..and i do lobe you blogspot!

Friday, May 28, 2010

first attempt at bok choy growing

i love chinese / stir-fry suppers so planted a bok choy!
it has a SEAT of honor in my garden!

HOME SWEET HOME; spring gardening 2010

due to the early warm weather our spring garden started early. we plant veggies in barrels: four tomato barrels, a zucchini, a pattie squash, a barrel for green peppers, and a bok choy, along with herb pot and flower hanging planters. everything is getting a great start, even some new vines. i love getting up very early gong out with the "girls"( our two dogs) and watering and seeing the how much each has grown and become showy.
so far no peony plants in flower, nor enough rhubbard to pick for a pie. have to put a few more deer-frightening things around like "tom-crow", the large cutout characture of tom! it has not been proven that this is scarey but it does get lots of smiles. alos have a scare really is a crow 4 feet high!

ah...summer... gotta love it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BLOWING my own glass globe: and here it is

Here is the glass globe i made at HOT SHOP GLASS, in racine wisconsin . It is about 5 " in diameter and hangs in my kitchen window!
Check out

I took one of their popular "explore glass workshops" for just $35 which includes the creation you choose to make: a globe or a paper weigh!!!!
I can't wait to go again and try my hand at a paper weigh this time!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My 67th /2010 Brith-DAY long celebration and more

I am almost "finished" celebrating a wonderful day...your well wishes are so appreciated. the days started with opening cards, doggy kisses and phone calls from family and friends. hubby gave me all is time and attention by taking on my HONEY DO list: planning barrels with tomato's, cucumbers, green pepper and zucchine plants, marigolds in wheel barrel container, spread red mulch...then we cleaned up and off to lunch. Surprise, my son #1 and friend were at ryan braun's restrauarant . loved the food and the surprise candle lite birthday cupcake and ice cream. the day continued with a trip to ikea in shamberg where i could buy my hearts desire which was a new family room rug, and one for the main bathroom, plus set for 18 of tableware for holiday meals!
only 37 minutes ... but since #3 is out of town i will celebrate with him when he returns over supper in a few days. tomorrow is #2 and daughter-law's wedding this truly is a great month and weekend of life cylcle wonderful events.

i am so blessed to feel well and have these many years behind me, and look forward to many more. i love reading about you and yours. thanks for being connected on FB, friends and family.

..and tomorrow dad/tom will shave his beard off with my help as a gift to me. i love the clean summer look of a beardless face!
i will edit this and add his photo!

Monday, May 17, 2010

our new family pet addition: Bella

Bella is a sweet and "well trained" pet addition. She and Shayna are fun, because they are energetic.
Our "boys" say that we have spoiled them...spoiled???
they are loving lap dogs, that are house trained, come when called, don't chew anything but their possessions. these traits makes these two more loved, enjoyed, appreciated and happy to be cared for by tom and i.

...Bella and Shayna remind me of what it was like when all three of our sons were home!!!!!

Graduation celebration for Janet

It was a fun sunday as we celebrated a graduation with our friends. Sharing life-cycle events with friends of over 40 years is fabulous. in this case we came together as we celebrate janet getting her advanced degree!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

BLOWING my own glass globe

this was an awesome expereience: lisa, her son scott and his girl friend laura and i headed to racine, wi. we each paid $35 for personalized instruction as we got to create a lovely glass piece of our choice. some made paper weights, some globes of designs/colors of our choice. i choice opaque violet and transparent blue. i started with a glob of clear glass, then rolled my piece periodically in glass chips to get the effect i wanted. i used a large needle nose pliers to make four swirles.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Adam's 28th birthday and Mother's Day Celebration 2010

as you see i have not mastered using my mini camcorder...but that will not stop me from sharing my recent video at a wonderful family/friend gathering May 9, 2010.

My family and friends made the day so much fun!

B'H" I am so blessed to be about to celebrate and appreciate all who make these moments unforgetable.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

in the dark

we woke at about 4:45 to find all the lights we got up and went on a road trip to discover it was a large area. we went into the city to catch a quick bite to eat. hubby off to golf in a rather wet morning. bella, shayna and i read the morning sunday paper by the breaking light of dawn. after about three hours, and at 7:17 the electricity was restored!!
so sunday schedule resumes for me: grocery shopping, the "girls" bella and shayna will be bathed and will start their monthly heart worm/flea/parasite treatment starts. hope to get in some reading: a dan silva book!