Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nove. 1: early morning blessing

we woke early to start the beef stew we plan to have for supper today, before plunging into our sunday schedule.
this is the view from our kitchen,looking east into our large yard. the largest tree in the photo's center is a very meaningful one as it recalls the loving memories of shared times with my three sons when they where very young. we took cuttings of a friends weeping willow and put them in a large jar of water and when they sprouted roots we planted then in what then was an open area of our acre lot. the following years we watches as the twigs became saplings and then humongous trees, with this one crowding out the two others. now we have a lovely natural area with the strongest of our shared efforts at being "green" looming large amount native plants.
Each day i wake thankful for what i see and experience! b'h'

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