Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hanging Towels by Laeh

 I made these from a dollar store children's wash cloths and hair bands

These were made from pot holders, towels, hair bands
 from the Dollar Store
I love hanging home on these cold, quiet winters early mornings and making useful things.  In a visit to the Dollar Store, the solution and how I was going to replace my 
thread bare hanging towels, came to me.
For a total of $4.00 and one hour, 
I now am happy to have new 
hanging towels which are so handy.

My -$ NECKLACE by Laeh / ME

I  made this necklace a few minuets before leaving for an art event last night at the newly remodeled Loyalty Building (now called  Downtown Hilton Garden Inn).

Why did I think of making it:
a very good question a friend asked!
I was resorting supplies in my art room, dressed, scans pin and for the evening.

And---so it "became"!

Truly, I was surprised at the  attention and comments I got.
This piece is obviously from a sink drain cover I found in my "fix-it" tool box. I can not remember why I had it, but must have thought I would use it for a repair.  The paper clips are  a "always have on hand". 

This is a bit of a departure as in media!  But not in concept: as INEXPENSIVE always described my medium of choice.

Most of my friends would say I never left the house with out a pin on my clothing, either those I make,  gifted, inherited or collected. 
I do make necklaces and so this is not really a departure but for the media.