Sunday, February 27, 2011

Remember now and forever!

I again light a candle in honor of the blessed memory - of my Mother,
Rose Swerdlow Bensman - Rochel bas Zalman and Mirka,
4/3/1913 to 3/2/1975.

Each day her nishoma (“beautiful soul”),
continues to inspire, enrich, teach, and guide me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Public focus to narrow on Walker bill

The public has focused, with good reason, on collective bargaining restrictions in Gov. Scott Walker's budget-repair bill. But other items deserve more scrutiny, and to get it, they should be stripped from the bill and debated separately.

A few examples:

• Under the bill, the administration could rewrite the rules governing the state's Medicaid program on eligibility, benefits and cost-sharing, reviewed only by the Legislature's budget committee - co-chaired by members of Walker's Republican Party.

Those enrolled in the state's BadgerCare Plus and Core plans, FamilyCare and SeniorCare and Medicaid for those with disabilities and the elderly could be affected.

There is a shortfall in the state's health care efforts of $214 million this year and $1.8 billion over the next two years. But maintenance of care for the least vulnerable among us has to be a priority. Undue cuts to the Core program, in particular, would be disturbing.

The state persuaded Milwaukee County to give up its program to aid childless adults, taking on the responsibility itself. Walker, the former Milwaukee County executive, likely knows this. Even if the poverty level standards have changed, this is called bait and switch.

And the Department of Health Services, in any case, should not be able to make sweeping changes without more legislative, public and stakeholder input. True, there are federal constraints, but Walker proposes seeking a waiver from those constraints.

Our fear is that people - irrespective of need - will be bumped off the health care rolls, only to have them show up in emergency rooms for care. Hospitals will pass on costs to those with insurance.

• Another measure would allow Wisconsin to sell or contract out state-owned heating, cooling and power plants "with or without solicitation of bids."

There are concerns that this is payback for a major Walker campaign contributor, Koch Industries Inc., which says it isn't interested in the plants. If such sales do go to this company, we would share these worries. But "with or without solicitation of bids"? This reeks of sweetheart deals not in the best interests of taxpayers. Bad idea.

• Walker's collective bargaining proposal could jeopardize federal transit funding for mid-size Wisconsin cities because the feds require that these transit employees be able to bargain collectively.

We support some aspects of Walker's collective bargaining proposals, but even there, believe the governor has overreached. As for these other ideas? Strip them from the bill and have a legitimate debate.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter's heavy snow fall

The trees and bushes in my yard are bent and breaking from what is now about
six inches of very heavy snow, and more falling.

Bella and Shayna are staying close to the house but still are very happy to have a
bathroom break and romp out of doors.

It is a most awesome sight,
but one that I know I will not find so glorious
when I go out , shovel in hand, clearing paths and walkways.
I am blessed to live long enough each year to say how I enjoy all the seasonal changes, and am especially blessed to have the help of the
lawn/plow service.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Fun

Today i went to a very well attended local author visit. author of EAT PRAY AND LOVE, elizabeth gilbert read from her newest book! wow....i highly recommend it. her new book, COMMITTED, attempts to "turn on all the lights" when it comes to matrimony, frankly examining questions of compatibility, infatuation, fidelity, family tradition, social expectations, divorce risks and humbling responsibilities. Gilbert's memoir is ultimately a clear-eyed celebration of love with all the complexity and consequence that real love, in the real world, actually entails. She has an amazing phrasology, intellect, and humor. those in attendance go a signed paper back copy!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Mchenry's are totally PACKER FANS!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snowy-snowy day activity

Ah, cooking and organizing-that is what snow days are for!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ha Ha...
I am only kidding...I am very excited about the Packers playing this Sunday at the SUPER BOWL,
especially because I will be cheering the team on with my relatives!
Have snacks to share, dressed in my best packer gear and beads,
cheese hat donned!
Ya hoo!
Go Pack!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Due to the Blizzard moving in our area,
much has closed early and I got home from the museum
in time to keep the snow under control.
I go out often now to clear around my home!
The winds have pushed lots of the snow near the house and into areas that
Shayna and Bella like to romp when they need to "go"out.
I am actually happy for the snow as it replenishes the water table!
Tomorrow is a snow emergency day and so will be home and will
enjoy doing in-home projects, read the book based on the movie
"SOCIAL NETWORK", and get to do some sewing and studio stuff.
